Controls : arrows to move, space on top of a block to grab it.

Small platformer with some nice visual ideas and a good amount finishing touches. It looks nice in my opinion.

Made in one week for this gamejam : Week Game Jam d'intersemestre 2022

This project uses assets from Gowl, MoDsama and Digital Moons .
This project uses Royalty Free Music from


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Looks great! The main mechanic is a neat spin on a Sokobon kind of block puzzle and each of the first few challenges are designed in a way to get you to understand the way jumping and dropping blocks works. Well-executed design, great look.

Two issues I ran into. In the first puzzle with the four movable blocks, I managed to softlock the game by trapping myself with a block on the ground on one side and another above me, creating a thin gap. Enough for me to fall to the ground but I can't jump back up. A quick reset would be a helpful "polish" task. The other issue was I had to fall on a spike and reset to get the blocks to appear for each challenge (if the block was supposed to spawn on a spike). Falling in the water didn't get the blocks to appear.

Minor bugs, but really nifty design and a solid foundation for a fun puzzle platformer. Love the look!